Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions for the provision and purchase of goods and services.
Stone Technologies Limited, trading as Converge Technology Solutions, registered in England and Wales under company number 02658501, with registered address at Granite One Hundred, Acton Gate, Stafford, Staffordshire ST18 9AA (“Stone”) has agreed to supply goods and/or services and/or licenced software to the person/firm to who buys such goods/services/software licences (“Customer”). In the absence of any terms required to be used by a purchasing framework used by the Customer (“Framework Conditions”), the supply shall be governed by and subject to the terms set out in this document as the general terms and conditions of supply (as amended from time to time under clause 18.2) (“General Conditions”) which shall apply to all contracts of supply. It is an obligation on the Customer to make Stone aware of any Framework Conditions when placing an order. Failure to do so will result in the General Conditions applying to Stone’s provision of goods and/or services and/or software and Stone’s pricing will be reflective of said General Conditions. In the event of any conflict between Framework Conditions and Stone’s General Conditions, the Framework Conditions shall take precedence. In the absence of any specific wording in the Framework Conditions, Stone’s General Conditions shall apply.
Additional terms may also apply and shall be clearly identified to the Customer when applicable, including but not limited to the following:
Terms and conditions of supply of Goods (“Goods Conditions”)
Terms and conditions of supply of Services (“Services Conditions”)
- Terms and conditions of supply of IT Asset Disposal ("ITAD") Services (“ITAD Conditions”)
- Terms and Conditions of Purchase ("Purchase Conditions")
- Additional terms applicable to customers purchasing broadband and/or mobile data solutions (“Connectivity Conditions”)
- Additional terms applicable for the Supply of Goods to the Broker Market
- Additional terms applicable to consumers ("Consumer Conditions") as set out on www.stonerefurb.co.uk
The applicable sets of terms and conditions shall collectively be referred to as ‘the Conditions’. The Conditions apply to the exclusion of any other terms that the Customer seeks to impose, or which are implied by trade, custom, practice or course of dealing.